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Jobs Helps - Interview Tips, CV and Resume Format, Cover Letter Samples, Interview questions and Answers
Get Hired Fast - A blog about Job Interview Questions and Answers, CV and Resume Samples, Cover Letter Samples, Job tips and Articles for the fresher and expert level

Psychometric Tests

The term "psychometric tests" covers numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, spatial reasoning and psychological personality profiling tests. "Psychometric" means "the process of measuring mental capacities and processes" (Oxford English Dictionary). They are also called aptitude tests. 

They're used by employers to provide an objective measure of your personal reasoning ability or an indication of your personality. You usually visit the employer to take the aptitude test under controlled conditions. However, it's becoming more common to sit them online before being offered an interview - especially with graduate recruitment.

Job Interview Tests

Knowing what to expect is the key to success.

Job interview tests are commonly being used in addition to traditional interviews.

Employers are often nervous about employing someone on the basis of interview performance alone, so you can expect to undergo or more job interview tests.

Some people get nervous about these, but there's no need. As long as you know what to expect, you're half way there.

Types of Interview

Employers are constantly developing new types of job interview.

Knowing about the main types of job interview can give you an advantage over other candidates.

You can't predict the exact interview format you'll encounter, but if you understand the most common types of job interview, you're on the road to success.

  1. Structured Competency-Based Interview
  2. Behavioral / Situational Job Interview
  3. Telephone Interview
  4. Panel Job Interview
  5. Technical Job Interview 

Job Interview Process

With the right preparation you'll be able to ace the interview. Knowing what to expect is the first step.

Common Features Of The Job Interview Process
  1. Invitation to the interview
    This is usually a letter, though it may be a phone call. Double-check the date, to make sure you're free. It's embarrassing to accept the appointment and then have to rearrange.

    If you're not available that day, a good employer will arrange an alternative.

What Is The Purpose Of A Job Interview?

Why should you care what the purpose of a job interview is?

It's typically seen by the interviewee as an interrogation or even an examination.

A good interview should be a two-way conversation between the applicant and the potential future employer.

The purpose of a job interview is for you to get to know each other and find out whether there's a good fit of skills, experience and attitude.

How to Prepare an Effective Resume

A resume is a one or two page summary of your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience. Your resume's purpose is to get your foot in the door. A resume does its job successfully if it does not exclude you from consideration.

To prepare a successful resume, you need to know how to review, summarize, and present your experiences and achievements on one page. Unless you have considerable experience, you don't need two pages. Outline your achievements briefly and concisely.

Basic of Interview Preparation

Thorough preparation is an essential part of being successful at interview. However, many candidates are ill prepared and fail to get the job they are seeking not due to a lack of ability but because they did not adequately research.

This is particularly important if you are a job seeker who is changing your career into another industry or area of work, if it is your first application after a period of absence from work or if it is your first time in the job market after leaving school/university. In situations such as these, there is a greater abundance of potential applicants, so to be successful, preparation is required.