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Need a lift, be good at work

Being a good worker alone does not get you that promotion

You may be a great worker but is your etiquette stopping that much-deserved promotion. Yes? Then its time you turn to us for some good etiquette lessons.

Appropriate business etiquette can have a significant influence on your career, promotions and pay hikes. Etiquette makes a huge difference in the way you are perceived by the management and by your colleagues. So, if you don·t want to miss the bus, pick up these pointers.

Don't abuse technology
Due to the widespread availability of technology at the workplace, most of us are guilty of misusing modern business tools and practices. This can leave a significant negative impact on your professional image.

Acting busy is a no no!
It·s considered rude and arrogant to act busy in a meeting. It suggests the meeting is unimportant to you. The speaker fails to achieve eye contact with you when you pretend to be reading a piece of paper. Unless and until it·s absolutely essential, switch off your pagers and cell phones at the workplace and especially meetings.

Email etiquette 
• Be formal, keep e-mail messages brief, but use full sentences, proper titles, subject lines, and a respectful closing.

• Don't forget those hallway smiles. It never fails.

• Answer and return phone calls promptly. Whether it is a client or an official seeking or even a personal call.

• Be punctual for meetings and don't leave early.

• Contribute your fair share of office treats, gifts, or housekeeping duties.

• Individual businesses and departments often have their set of rules for good professional behaviour. New employees should ask and observe to discover these expectations.

Shaking hands
Your handshake is as expressive of your personality as your clothes and your speech. 
Greet someone with a firm shakes hand. In the case of a woman, it is for the woman to take the initiative in handshaking.

Dress code
A neat and clean appearance matters a great deal. Sometimes good appearances can be quite intimidating for the other party. Good dressing signals your self-worth. When you have meetings with clients, be sure to wear formal clothes. Avoid boldly and garish colours. A well-knotted tie will add to your appearance.

So need a lift(careers), be good(at work) and be polite!!

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