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Jobs Helps - Interview Tips, CV and Resume Format, Cover Letter Samples, Interview questions and Answers
Get Hired Fast - A blog about Job Interview Questions and Answers, CV and Resume Samples, Cover Letter Samples, Job tips and Articles for the fresher and expert level

Career Tips - Success at the earliest

The making of an elite young company-be an early success story! 

Success at the earliest! 

A band of go-getters who let nothing stand in the way. ‘Age no bar’ is the axiom, the consequence- a breed of young achievers, an age when prodigies abound! Few realize that there’s more to it and merely achieving is not enough.

What goes into the making of this elite young company?

A vibrant personality
To join the ranks of a manager you need to spruce up your self. A spring in your step and a warm and friendly disposition is better than a standoffish manner.

Communication - A must for success

Communication and self-promotion is as important as the skill you possess

Rihom's interview seemed to have gone just fine. He appeared to have presented his skills competently to the General Manager (finance). His resume indicated that he was the right person for the job. Yet he was not selected for the post of finance manager. So what happened? According to the GM, Rihom was quiet and rather withdrawn. He failed to show any kind of interest towards the prospective job. As a result company finally chose someone with less talents, but more enthusiastic and confident. The moral of the story; communication and self-promotion is as important as the skill you possess. 

The first thing an employer looks for is the ability of the potential candidate to communicate effectively and enthusiastically. Here are some tips on how to improve your communication skills.

Job Interview Manners And Etiquette

It’s easy to make a silly mistake with job interview manners. It could offend the interviewer and count against you. Here are the Dos and Don'ts of job interview manners, to help you get it right.

Turn up early
Not more than 15 minutes (or you'll be either inconveniencing someone or sitting, waiting in reception for a long time). Sit in the car park, if you need to! Not less than 5 minutes, or you may appear to be late. Being late is bad manners and can make an employer think you’d be late on all deadlines.

Have a firm, but not vice-like handshake

The Interview's Over - What Next?

So the interview's over.

You breathe a sigh of relief and get on with everyday life, hoping you'll get the "you're hired" letter in the post. Bad idea !!!!

If you want to practically double your chances of getting to the next round or being offered the job, you need to follow up.

Think about it. If you go to a great party or someone gives you a present, you call or write to them to say thank you. It's good manners. Think about how that makes the other person feel - appreciated and they know you care.

Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?

Want to know the right answer? 

This is perhaps one of the most dreaded job interview questions - and the most dangerous. Yet it's common. Most interviewers will ask it at some stage.

And it's a question that works on many levels.

Don't be fooled into thinking they actually want to know the answer.

Ok, of course they do, but the interviewer will be looking for so much more.

Group Exercises and Assessment Center

Group exercises: These usually involve a group of candidates applying for the same job. You're normally asked to complete a task together, with too little time.

It's designed to test how you perform under stress. Do you support the group to achieve its objective? Or do you turn into a lone crusader?

How to do well in a group exercise:

Read the brief carefully

Psychometric Tests

The term "psychometric tests" covers numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, spatial reasoning and psychological personality profiling tests. "Psychometric" means "the process of measuring mental capacities and processes" (Oxford English Dictionary). They are also called aptitude tests. 

They're used by employers to provide an objective measure of your personal reasoning ability or an indication of your personality. You usually visit the employer to take the aptitude test under controlled conditions. However, it's becoming more common to sit them online before being offered an interview - especially with graduate recruitment.